Tell your story: The U.S. Mail is Not For Sale!

The USPS is one of the most cherished institutions in our nation. For 250 years, postal workers have been proud to serve the American people, keeping the mail moving effectively, efficiently and equitably to every doorstep across the country.  

However, the USPS we all rely on for our letters, medications and parcels, is being threatened.

Recent reporting indicates the White House plans to eliminate the Postal Board of Governors—a move that represents an illegal hostile takeover of our Public Postal Service.

Postal workers are prepared to stand up and fight back to defend the public postal service we all deserve. But we need your help – Record a message of support for postal workers; Tell us what the public postal service means to you.

Support Postal WorkersRecord a Video of Support

The USPS is one of the most cherished institutions in our nation. For 250 years, postal workers have been proud to serve the American people, keeping the mail moving effectively, efficiently and equitably to every doorstep across the country.  

However, the USPS we all rely on for our letters, medications and parcels, is being threatened.

Recent reporting indicates the White House plans to eliminate the Postal Board of Governors—a move that represents an illegal hostile takeover of our Public Postal Service.

Postal workers are prepared to stand up and fight back to defend the public postal service we all deserve. But we need your help – Record a message of support for postal workers; Tell us what the public postal service means to you.

Enter your information and confirm that you agree for APWU, our campaigns and allies to share and edit your video. See below for the full disclaimer information.

  • Take a moment to collect your thoughts and keep it short – 30 seconds to a minute are ideal.
  • Think about why the USPS is important to you. Include your name and state your town or city, and talk about what you use the Postal Service for.
  • What would be the consequences for you if the Postal Service shut down or were severely damaged?
  • Now press the record button and start – why is the public postal service important to you?

Record Your Message of Support!I agree that APWU may use photographs or video footage of me. I authorize APWU to use my name, likeness, photograph, image, voice, or video footage of me for any purpose in print, electronic, video, or other communications. I understand and agree that APWU will own all rights, including copyrights, of any kind in the photograph or video footage submitted. I grant APWU the unrestricted right and permission to edit, modify, use, re-use, publish, and republish, in whole or in part, the photograph or video footage of me without restriction, made through any and all media now or later known. I waive and release any claims that I may have against APWU, and any of its respective licensees, successors, assigns, heirs or representatives: (i) Based upon or arising from any use of my photograph or video footage by APWU, including without limitation, any right to inspect the communications or to pre-approve the use of my image, (ii) Any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement, or (iii) For any payment(s) for such use.

Video submissions are subject to internal review. Submission confirms your consent for possible sharing across APWU platforms. This is not a tool to submit a grievance. To do so, please contact your steward, local representative or national business agent if you need to file a grievance.

The post Tell your story: The U.S. Mail is Not For Sale! first appeared on APWU.