District 19 Wins Restoration of Shift Breaks for CPKC Members in Minnesota

When IAM Local 112 (District 19) members suddenly lost their long-standing shift breaks, they knew they needed to get their union involved.

Members at the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway (CPKC) diesel maintenance shop in St. Paul, Minn., had for decades received a 20-minute shift break, in addition to their lunch break. Suddenly, management ended the long-standing practice.

“We immediately did a full investigation to gather to facts and defend our membership,” said IAM District 19 Assistant President and Directing General Chair John Denny. “We’d like to especially thank former local chairman Allen Qusick and retired Local 112 President George Greniger for their help getting statements from our current and former members to support our claim.”

While the breaks were not included in contract language, member testimony built a strong case. The IAM also obtained posters in the facility showing the 20-minute breaks.

“When a carrier changes workplace rules, we are going to be there to defend our membership,” said IAM District 19 President and Directing General Chair Reece Murtagh. “I commend our membership, staff and retirees for joining together to protect our members’ rights on the job.”

An independent arbitrator recently ruled in favor of the IAM, saying that “the hallmark qualities of a recognized past practice are well settled.”

“Congratulations to our Local 112 membership and all of District 19 for again showing the value of the IAM,” said Josh Hartford, IAM Special Assistant to the International President for the IAM Rail Division. “We will continue to defend and protect the safety, security and comfort of every IAM Rail Division member.”

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