(MINNEAPOLIS) – Flight attendants for Sun Country Airlines represented by Teamsters Local 120 have overwhelmingly ratified a new contract with the ultra-low-cost carrier. The five-year agreement, which immediately raises wages and improves benefits, followed a credible strike threat by more than 700 flight attendants.
“Sun Country Teamsters fought hard to secure a deal that improves their quality of life, reflects their value, and rewards their hard work,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “Sun Country flight attendants never backed down from this fight. They persevered and won big.”
The agreement provides an immediate 21 percent wage increase, with up to a 58 percent wage increase over the term of the contract. Local 120 members also increased company contributions to their retirement plans, secured stronger language for scheduling work during holidays, and gained a 14-year reduction to reach top-of-scale pay.
“Sun Country flight attendants fought hard for decency and respect from the company through a new contract,” said Tom Erickson, President of Teamsters Local 120 and Teamsters Central Region International Vice President. “I’m proud of our members for finishing the fight with a game-changing agreement that sets a new standard at Sun Country.”
“This is one of the best contracts we have won since I joined Sun Country,” said Elaine Rishovd a 30-year flight attendant with Sun Country and member of Local 120. “From getting immediate and long-term raises to better protections for workplace rules, this contract restores our pride in working for this airline and gives us the means to support our families.”
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents over 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit Teamster.org for more information. Follow us on X @Teamsters and on Facebook at Facebook.com/teamsters.
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